Friday, September 29, 2006

Emoticons for hire!

Here we are in a 3rd World Country wanting to keep in touch with our kids in this electronic age. It's the end of a long day so--we Skype Jon on our computer. He suggests that we make it a conference call with Bek who just happens to be checking in with her brother. We confer for a while but 3 to 4 people on one call leaves too much dead time for me while waiting for that perfect word picture to add to the conversation. My eyes lazily wander over the Skype home page and a bright yellow funny looking face stares back at me--Emoticons. So while the girls are talking I insert a little funny face on a side bar. Eventually it gets noticed. What's this? So we start throwing Emoticons around like slow-pitch soft ball. Soon we are all laughing at each other's latest barrage of funny faces. The conversation goes totally downhill (thanks, Joe! Hey--how WAS I to know?) We confer on our conference call with funny little faces for the rest of the evening with plenty of laughter. So much for intelligent conversation but a very memorable evening was had by all AND it was all free.

Until next time here is my homemade emoticon ;)

PS Pray for Terri as she teaches ETA tonight and has her knee procedure on Monday.

1 comment:

Bek. said...

I love you Dad! Emoticons are great!