Saturday, September 02, 2006

Terri is getting ready to send out the following update. You will get it first (with her express permission.) The picture represents our 45 minute "one way" walk to the sea with some neighbors.
It is hard to believe that as of September 8, we will have been in Guyana 6 months. Time flies when you're having fun! (or not!!) Really, we are thrilled to be back in active ministry. However, that is tempered with the realities of life in this third world country. Election Day has come and gone. Everyone was anxiously waiting for the official results to be announced. Last night, the announcement was made and the same party is back in office again. Up until today, it has been so quiet and peaceful. So far, so good! However, tensions can boil over if the losing party is not willing to accept the outcome. In the past, there has been rioting, looting, burning buildings and bridges, stopping, robbing and sometimes injuring vehicle occupants as well as threats of disruption of business in many areas. This has not happened this year. Other than an upsurge in crime prior to the elections, things have been unusually peaceful. Praise the Lord for this peace, and pray for it to continue.

The month of August was very fruitful all around the ABC (Association of Bible Churches) with the help of teams from the US. There were 9 nights of crusades and VBS held at 3 different churches. (One church staffed their VBS with mostly Guyanese workers and had no help from teams) It was a joy to help with personal counseling at the different crusades and see people respond to the Gospel. In Kwakwani, another part of Guyana where two CrossWorld families minister, there was an eye team that cared for over 500 individuals. All of these special ministries resulted in many decisions for Christ. Please pray for effective follow up and growth.
While all the special ministries were going on, we still continued with our discipleship program. Since we are developing our own materials, it is a constant challenge to tailor what we are doing to correspond with the maturity and literacy levels of each individual. Many of them have been experiencing trials and difficulties that have needed special attention, such as deaths, illness, rebellious children and depression. We are very encouraged with the growth taking place and the desire to share what they are learning with others. That is what discipleship is all about – learning, growing and sharing with others!!

We received some wonderful news from Indonesia. It looks like the Potter family is growing and an addition to the family is expected in April 2007. As you know, they are in Salatiga, Indonesia, on the island of Java, and are in language school five days a week. Pray for Joel and Bethany as they search out doctors and all medical options and for good health and energy for Bethany. Bekah enjoyed a little break in her hectic summer schedule and is now gearing up for the beginning of school and start up of all regular Sunday school classes and children’s programs. Pray for the ongoing need for volunteers to work in different departments. Jon is still seeking a full time job at a local orthopedic company. He has begun taking Hebrew at Grace Seminary, and is able to work his library and computer jobs at the school while waiting to get a more permanent job. Christine has settled in at Black Forest Academy and needs prayer as she masters driving a stick shift van and continues to adjust to the many responsibilities of a “Resident Assistant” in Germany for one year.


Bek. said...

Thanks for the update! I'm so excited for another Potter baby and I know you all are too.
That's great that things have remained calm after the election-yea for that!

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe & Terri,

It was a joy to be member of that team from PA and have the opportunity to meet you. We share a passion for disciple-making. I will be praying for you. I always wondered if it was possible to walk from Shawn's house to the sea. Next time I'm there, I'll have you show me the way.

John Hoover

Anonymous said...

Wow - another little one to love! How exciting. We are too busy (sadly) to have gone onto your blogspot much-so glad I caught this addition! (no pun intended!) Many blessings to you both as you serve him there in Guyana and to Joel and Bethany in Indonesia~~ Debbie :o)