Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Here's looking at you--I wished!

I am not too inspired today. Mosquitoes. Mosquitoes will do it to you. Actually not too many really but when they buzz around and you know that killing them would not really change the percentage of the house's population--why get flustered. Every night it is the same thing. Maybe eventually we will get our screens installed. This isn't the wet season so this is the better time.

Actually the reason I wrote was that a great thing happened on Sunday. A young lady came to church that I had witnessed to while buying some ginup (local fruit) the day that we went to Here's one guy I wished was looking @me!
talk with people after the bank robbery. She is
going to the Ladies Class too. She may have
trusted the Lord between the 2 presentations. :)
She knew some of the young people at church too so that is a plus. Thanks for your prayers.

Well, it continues to be quiet here in Guyana after the election. This is the first time in the 40 years of Guyana's short history that there has not been election violence. Personally it is such a relief too.

At the last election back in 2001 it was an entirely different story. I had gone to Georgetown to buy ceramic tiles so we could finish up the church before we left for furlough in the States--a necessary trip at that time. While in town one of the sales guys that I had befriended said "you know that you will have to pay a toll to get back to Berbice where you live, right"? I asked him how much the toll was--he said "everything you have"! Gulp.

While still in town, an entire city block worth of businesses were burned up in protest. The nurses at the hospital where I was visiting were excited about it--"like isn't this great, you can see the fires from here."

Another friend of ours had tried to get back to Berbice but had to turn back after protesters started throwing bricks at his windshield.

Then while talking on the phone with Terri explaining the situation and telling her about the fire, we were disconnected and unable to get a connected again!! Do you sense the pressure rising. After praying with the other missionaries in town I decided that I would try to drive back at 4 in the morning. There were smoldering bridges but no road blocks and burning tires on the asphalt roads. The money I had was in the aircleaner of the engine. All the tile was there under the protection of I don't know how many angels. I admit I didn't pay much attention to the speed limits on that trip. There was no traffic, no protesters, no problems. Closest I have even been to war. But God.......

I shared that just for praise for this time. YES!

1 comment:

Bek. said...

Yea for emoticons! Chatting and talking the other day was such fun Dad! I love you!