Thursday, March 08, 2007

Anniversary Reflections

This is a special anniversary. One year ago today we returned to Guyana, after an absence of four years. There is much to praise the Lord for. Five years ago, on this same date, we left Guyana. What a difficult time that was. We have certainly come a long way! I (Terri) am awed at the wonderful healing God brought about in me personally. A counselor we were seeing at that time even made the statement: “Five years from now, you will be amazed to see what God has done." Here we are five years later, back on the field, actively serving and ministering to the people we dearly love, a little stronger and wiser. We are so grateful for the prayers and encouragement that many gave us in our journey back. It was a painful process, but God blessed so much along the way. Just this week I was sharing with a 20 year girl a little of the journey God has taken me on. She is going through a lot of trouble and trials in her family, and is really hurting. I thank God that He can use me to help bring comfort and encouragement because of the way He comforted me.
Some of the ways God has blessed me:
1) A closer walk with my God and my Saviour.
2) A greater appreciation for my wonderful husband, Joe, who stayed close by me through everything.
3) Three fantastic kids, Joel, Bekah and Jon, a new daughter, Bethany, and new daughter-to-be, Christine.
4) An awesome grandson, Jack, who I love and miss so much.
5) Many special friends who were so supportive and affirming all along the way.
6) A great group of faithful supporters and prayer partners.
7) Open doors of ministry here in Guyana.
8) The privilege of being ambassadors for Christ in this very needy place.
I could go on and on. Let me close with some verses from the NLT: “All praise to the God and Father of our Lord Christ. He is the source of every mercy and the God who comforts us. He comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God gave us.” 2 Cor. 1:3, 4