Sunday, December 31, 2006

All the best...

... for the New Year! That is the common greeting here. This is "Old Year's Night" and we will "see in" 2007 at church. It has been a busy week or two, but we have enjoyed many opportunities to share the love of Christ in different forms. After going to church at 6:30 AM on Christmas, we had our own time of worship and opening gifts. Then we went to deliver cake and goodie bags to our neighbors and had some good conversations with several about what Christmas means to us. Our Christmas dinner was spent with our national pastor and his family and another national leader and his family whom we have worked with and mentored in various ways over the years. Later on in the week, it was a joy to have two long term missionaries from the interior of Guyana, Bev Dawson and Chic Ruth, spend some time with us. They are working on translating the New Testament for the Wapishanas, an Amerindian tribe, and the project is within 5 years of completion. Then, another national pastor and his wife, came over with 7 of their 9 kids for games and a hot dog roast. It was fun having children at our home running around enjoying themselves. As this year comes to a close we want to praise the Lord for the many ways He has shown Himself faithful to us, and to our family. There are some exciting times ahead in 2007 for the Potter family - a new grandchild (Owen Daniel - they have confirmed a boy) due in April, and a new "daughter" Christine Tomlinson, recently engaged to Jon and planning to be married in the summer. Although we are far apart physically, we keep close in spirit and mind. "Sing to the Lord, for He has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world." Isaiah 12:5

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I'm Dreaming of...

…. A bright Christmas! What kind of Christmas are you dreaming of? The only white Christmas we can have here would be if it rains. Our temperature may go down to a “cool” 80 degrees with the breeze blowing. What is Christmas for you – good food, being with friends and family, opening gifts, singing carols, eating sweets you don’t normally eat? The list could go on and on. How very different from that first Christmas. There wasn’t snow, good food, shopping, time with family and friends – not even a warm or comfortable place to sleep. This will be a very different Christmas for us – far away from loved ones and many of the usual traditions. Yet, we will still have good food to eat, friends to celebrate the day with and times of enjoyment. It isn’t easy being away from parents, brothers and sisters, children, grandchildren and close friends, but God wants to work through and use all of us in wonderful ways. There have been and will be many opportunities to share that Jesus is the true Reason for the Season. This Christmas may be a sad time for those who grieve the loss of a loved one or are going through serious illness. Only Christ can bring comfort and peace. What will make my Christmas bright? Knowing why I am celebrating and taking the time to share that wonderful message with others. So many people live in darkness. Christmas will never be bright for them. Please pray with us: “Father, may you be the focus of missionaries who are away from family during December. Minister to them and show each one, as well as missionary children, that You are all they need. May those who celebrate the holiday rather than the Son be made aware of the true meaning of Christmas. Make this Christmas one that is focused on Jesus and not the traditions of the season. Use this time as an opportunity for all believers, whether they are missionaries or not, to tell people what Christmas truly celebrates.” Have a “bright” Christmas! “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” Isaiah 9:2
(written by Terri 12/18/06)