Saturday, August 05, 2006

More wedding house

The big news here is the noise—actually its loud music—a wall of large 15” speakers—about 16 in total. Our house actually vibrates with the sound. This is going to be happening for about 36 to 48 hours. Even though the it is a wedding according to Hindu tradition the music is popular music here in Guyana. There are noise nescience laws on the books but police are reluctant to enforce them. Well, I have survived 2 hours thus far!

Actually we are hoping to meet some more of our neighbors through this so come back on Sunday or Monday and we will fill you in.

This is a cultural experience, enjoy it. I am swaying to the music at times. Otherwise I could consider it some type of torture to break me down in some way………I choose to be cool. It is part and parcel to another culture. By the way the ear plugs do help a little!

1 comment:

Snwwhite said...

hello from Germany! Thanks for your prayers - have fun in your adventures!!