Saturday, July 22, 2006

Home at Last!

(written by Terri) The weary traveler made it home at about 10:15 PM Friday but not without a little adventure and drama. Our journey began in Kwakwani at 3:30 AM. It seemed like the drive home was going well, when we noticed smoke coming from beneath the truck and something black dripping. When we stopped, a large amount of oil gushed out. Not a good sign. We prayed and Michael decided to drive back to a small village which was about 30 minutes away. If we ran out of oil on the way we would have had to stop driving and have the vehicle towed. However, we were able to locate a mechanic with tools who was able to make the necessary repairs only a short distance away from us; after a delay of two hours we were back on the trail again. Praise the Lord for providing the right mechanic so quickly - a miracle in itself. Other than a couple of car sick ladies, the trip proceeded without incident. We enjoyed some beautiful scenery along the way, including some sand dunes, Guyana's "Grand Canyon", a man-made wonder created by bauxite mining and a little water fall. Also, we enjoyed singing our way through a Maranatha Praise chorus book, sharing testimonies, and telling jokes and funny stories, so the trip didn’t seem too long. We were behind schedule by a few hours, so stopped for a not so quick lunch at "Qik Serv" in Linden. then on to Georgetown. Another stop for food at KFC, then on to the stelling, where this journey began 4 days ago. Any travel in Guyana is usually an exercise in patience. With it being Friday evening, we had a two hour wait before we could get in a ferry to make the crossing back into home territory. One more stop to add water to the radiator which was overheating, then home, sweet home!
This trip was one of the most enjoyable times I have had in Guyana. I was healthy the whole time and had a lot of fun. We went on a boat ride, walked around the market area, and went swimming at “bush pool.” I even gave swimming lessons. God worked in some wonderful ways through our times in the Word and personal sharing, as well as cooking together, playing games and just “gaffing”. (what Guyanese call talking) Many of the women come from difficult family situations. It gave me a greater appreciation for the "normal", functional family I have been blessed with. God had impressed upon me to do a study of 2 Cor. 1:3-11 to share for our devotions and I challenged our ladies to allow God to use them to comfort others, because of the ways God has comforted them. It was so encouraging to see them do just that. There were a number of unsaved women at the ladies’ meeting and the Gospel was clearly presented through testimonies and a message from Psalm 40. One woman did accept the Lord. What a joy to see many of our ladies spend time with the ladies from Kwakwani. Please pray for many others who have not yet come to Christ, but know what to do, and for the others who are believers, but need so much growth.
Thanks for your prayers! I felt well in body, soul and spirit, except for a little tumble that bruised my knees. (can’t play young any more and take chances!)

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