Thursday, October 11, 2007

Missouri, Here We Come

As our time at World View drew to a close, I found it harder to stay focused. I was grateful for new concepts and tools to use in ministry, but my thoughts were constantly drawn to the kids, especially to the newest members of the family, Jack and Owen. So, we finished up our classes and said our good byes. The trip to Missouri was scenic, timely and uneventful. What a blessing! Again, we were able to see Mt. Hood from the plane and other mountain ranges. It was fun to arrive in Springfield, Missouri and be greeted by the whole family, Joel, Bethany, Jack and Owen. Jack was a little shy initially but warmed up fast. He impressed us with his vocabulary and ability to identify vehicles, like the brand new Hummer on display. It promised to be an enjoyable week. Jack absolutely loves baseball, but we were able to introduce him to cricket and he caught on fast. Owen was a bubbly, cooing bundle of joy. There weren’t enough hours in the day to be with these little guys. Of course, we enjoyed time with their mom and dad and other grandmother, Lynn Stroud. All too soon the week ended. We are so grateful for those few days to bond with our precious grandsons. There won’t be many more moments with them for some time to come. “Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.” Proverbs 17:6

1 comment:

Bek. said...

Not that either of could be considered the "aged" but I know how much you love those kids.
Love ya!