Saturday, January 27, 2007

Growing older gracefully

Now I remind you that I am not, I repeat, I am not getting older any faster than anyone else out there reading this frivolous message. Terri is still my inspiration to stay young at heart! And I have to say (quietly you know) that I am glad she does.

My 59th birthday was not without all the special attention that practically embarrasses one. Different celebrations including Apple Pie, Chocolate Cheese Cake, and Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting stretched over a week including 4 missionary families with three great MK’s and 3 home staff missionaries as well. Really though our Guyana Field Conference brought everyone together in Georgetown so I was psyched to have a lot of extra fellowship and fun times concurrent with my birthday week.

I am grateful that I am only 59 and able to continue serving my Lord and Savior with all my heart as a discipling missionary here in Guyana. We head back to Nigg Saturday to begin discipleship in the Edinburgh Bible Church but we will continue to fellowship at the Tain Bible Church and maintain the relationships that we have already made there.


Bek. said...

I'm so glad your birthday week was such fun Pop! I wish I could have been there with you and all those fun mk's. I love you!

Alyssa Faith said...

ah, I miss you all down there! :'(

I'm sitting here wrapped in an afghan and reading your blog and feeling waves of "home-sickness" even though I feel quite at home here...Home for believers is the presence of the Lord .

Wow, 59! May you have many more years to be used for Him!