Monday, June 19, 2006

The second invasion—Dragonflies

First you read of the amphibian invasion, now this: Like hundreds of squadrons of miniature Apache Gun Ships rising up silently out of the marsh heading due south on some secret quest, 1000’s of brilliantly green dragonflies filled the sky with their wings for 45 incredible minutes as they flew all at the same speed, same direction, and same formation. Our wonderful Creator-God treats those of us around the world to some awesome displays of His unique creative genius. By the way we are still amused with the many frogs around the house. Mosquitoes are still among us at night for a few more weeks I think. They are the real Gun Ships—they bite, dragonflies don’t!

Now is the time to say a prayer for our phone situation. It may actually happen by Tuesday evening, so they say. We have heard it before but we are encouraged to pray again for this new deadline. Terri faithfully carries our laptop over to one of 3 friend’s house for a working phone to hook up to. She then fellowships, does all the email and internet business and then walks back home. There is so much more that we really should do but without a phone we are limited time-wise as to downloads and longer tasks.

Happy Dad’s Day. Pray, Pray, Pray! J

1 comment:

Bek. said...

I love your description of the dragonflies. Reminds me of our "pet" dragonfly when we lived in Levittown-remember that?
I love you and was thinking of you all day on Sunday.