Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Mud Derby


Well, we returned to Guyana only to find that the rainy season had begun in earnest. The dirt road in front of our house became so much mud in places that we would specifically pray each time before driving because of the strong possibility of becoming another stat in “the stick in the mud” scene. Joe loved the sliding turns that were required to negotiate the corners—“Yeehaa!”

Speaking of turning corners—we are turning one here by getting more involved in ministry as our set up chores are slowing down to make room for discipleship. I still have a lot of work to do but it will have to get done a little at a time sort of like chores around the house.

Our back yard is most intriguing. Flooding. Mosquitoes L (Some.) Mongoose (or is it mongeese?) travel through our yard to hunt in the neighbor’s overgrown yard. (So, little chances for cobra snakes, right? They aren’t in Guyana anyway. Terri says J!) We now have 2 three month old puppies for the mongoose to share the back yard too. Sort of a Rottweiller—Ridgeback (like a more docile Doberman) mix. The question is this. Will the puppies live long enough to rule the back yard or will the mongoose chase the puppies back into their pens? If they live long enough (only kidding) they will become watch dogs.

Thanks for your patience while we were offline. Hope you missed us. We look forward to bringing some interesting tidbits from life in Guyana.

1 comment:

Bek. said...

So what are you going to name the puppies?