Sunday, April 02, 2006

Awesome opportunities!

As I look around here in Georgetown, Guyana I am heartbroken for the protestant Afro-Guyanese who have churches that just don’t teach a clear gospel message. God used that heartbrokenness in my life to search out some people like Jesus at Jacob’s Well in John, chapter 4. While out shopping for a car for a few days I found myself eyeball to eyeball with some Afro-Guyanese (Blacks) while test driving cars and getting details worked out for the purchase of our car. The Lord gave me the courage to simply talk to them about their relationship with God. Oh, it was so good. (I forget when I come back to the states how hard it can be sometimes to do that.) One man I just asked carefully with out scaring him, “if you were to die today do you know for sure that you would go to heaven to be with God? During the 15 minutes we were together in the car he learned about forgiveness of all of his past and future sins and I believe he trusted Christ to save him. In the other case I just talked with the man about the church he went to and then shared the gospel through my testimony and he too I think, got the assurance of his salvation. They were both amazing. Pray for Arthur and Kesto.

May God bring someone down here to fill the gap that will be left by Ken and Karen Glover when they retire in 18 months. Dwight and Gloria Lehman were here doing a great job right beside the Glovers but God moved them to the home office to oversee several countries’ missionaries. These Blacks fill Georgetown but are blind to the Savior. As someone on TV used to say, "Come On Down".

May God bring someone into your path or go out and make your own path, praying as you go. Let me know how it goes. A big thanks to Marie C. for telling me—you changed my life for eternity. She and her husband Don pray, support and love us even now, 38 years later. We love and pray for you too.

This morning we walked by the seawall which is just 75 yards away. A Hindu lady was in the water with a brass pot doing her devotions. Others were simply chanting. Next door, a half dressed drug-spent lady sits day after day arguing with some imaginary adversaries. Not exactly a deed-restricted community. The lost are blindly wandering,..wandering

Pray for those in the chains of unforgiven sin and those in chains for sharing the life-giving message and for us too.

Well, may God by glorified in our lives today. Love ya, Joe

1 comment:

Snwwhite said...

praise God for chances to share HIM and see people come to know HIM! Praise God that you were willing to step out in faith and share! God bless you in your ministry - keep fighting the good fight! Praying for you! Christine