Thursday, March 02, 2006

"abe gon nah" or we are leaving now Soon anyway!

Well now that we found our site again we should post something.

Speaking of post, not the cereal, but the verb form. Remember when posting something meant writing a letter, correcting spelling errors and mistakes, folding it, stuffing it into an envelope of the appropriate size, finding and recording the address, writing down the return address, locating the stamp and then putting it into a mailbox somewhere hoping for a reply in a couple of weeks. Wow, no wonder people don't do that much anymore.

Today is the day the Lord has made so to end it we went to CFA, got a meal to go, and headed for the sunset. A beautiful time of colors: azure blue-green, sand, sunset orange, clamshell, skyblue at 7500 degrees Kelvin and the sunset enhanced flesh tones on Terriwati's face.
A perfect ending to a soon to be missed location. Abe gon nah.


Snwwhite said...

Very fun that you are blogging now - welcome to the blog world - look forward to hearing of your adventures! Blessings - Christine

Bek. said...

That's so romantic Dad! I'm sure you'll find many more fun spots to watch the gorgeous sunsets in Guyana.
abe go nah!